Sunday 5 January 2020

# Lifestyle

Guess Who's Back/ 2020 Goals


It's been just over 2 years since my last post and since it's the start of a new year/decade thought I'd resurrect my blog. I've been re reading my old posts the last couple of months and I'm not going to lie I do miss writing and feel like now is the perfect time to bring my blog back.

One of my goals for this year is to focus on me and what makes me happy. As selfish as that sounds for as long as I can remember I've always put other people first and not worried about my own happiness, so this is the first step in achieving that goal. A lot has changed since I wrote my last blog post, I've experienced things that have helped shape me as a person and I'd like to say I've gotten more mature.

I thought the perfect first post back could be about the goals I've set for myself in 2020 - I do this every year and like to reflect on them at the end of the year to see how far I've come.

Self Love/Happiness

As I briefly mentioned one of my goals this year is to focus on my happiness and learn to love myself. This is going to be really difficult to achieve mainly because I literally have 0 self confidence in anything I do. I dislike my body and all I see when I look in the mirror is my flaws, so this year I really want to work on finding the positives about me and embracing them. I also want to focus on doing things that make me happy and spending time with people who bring out the best in me. 

Lose 2st

This one kind of links in to my first goal as I've never really loved my body.  I was never the skinniest girl growing up and don't expect to be a size 0 any time soon. This year I'm really determined to lose weight and change my lifestyle to a more healthier one. I've done this before a few years ago and successfully lost 2 and 1/2 stone but life got in the way, and I've slowly gained it all back over time. I aim to make small but little changes first of all, rather than cutting stuff out of my diet completely. This will take a lot of willpower and hard work but I've never been more determined and I love a challenge. 

Pass My Driving Test 

If you read my 2017 goals you'll notice this was on there - fast forward 3 years and it's still not happened (huge face palm) The main reason I've put it down to is the bad experience I had last time. My driving instructor made me cry and feel like I couldn't do anything right so I've always had that in the back of mind. This year I am determined to pass. Anyone that knows me knows how much I hate waiting for buses and how I complain about them being late on a daily basis. I would also love the freedom it would give me. I've already got a head start on this one because I re took my theory as it ran out and passed so I'm half way there.

Travel More

Last year I went on my first ever holiday abroad to Santorini in Greece and fell in love. This year I really want to travel more and visit new places. Whether it's a holiday or just a mini weekend break, I want to see more of what the world has to offer. I'm also planning at least one weekend break away every month in 2020 - mostly in the UK but might try and sneak a cheeky trip to Paris or Madrid in there too.

I can't wait to see what 2020 has in store and to make loads more amazing memories.
 Here's to the start of an awesome year!!

 What are your goals for 2020??

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