Sunday, 26 November 2017

My 5 Favourite Songs - November 2017

November 26, 2017 0 Comments
I can't believe another month has been and gone but that means it's almost December which means Christmas!! (even though I've been raving about it for the past month)

Most of my song choices this month have really been based on the lyrics. I find I'm able to connect to a song more, if I have experienced something similar to what the artist is singing about.

Here are 5 songs I've been loving throughout November ...

Mi Gente - J Balvin, Willy William ft Beyonce

J Balvin and Willy William originally released this song over the summer but have released another version featuring Beyonce. Any song with Beyonce on it is perfection in my book. The song is hella catchy, even though I can't understand a word they're singing apart from "FREEZE." It's such a tune to dance to and is perfect to play on any night out/ at parties.

Perfect - Ed Sheeran


Perfect by Ed Sheeran has been out for months now but it's one of my favourite songs off his album ÷. He dropped the much anticipated music video this month and omg it's the cutest thing ever. I love this song so much and it's the perfect song for a relationship (crying at being single rn) Although this song was ruined for me recently by someone close to me, I still love it and have it on repeat.

Gorgeous - Taylor Swift

Taylor swift is back with new music and it's so different to her old sound. I love all the new songs she has released so far and was torn between whether to include Gorgeous or Ready For It? in this list. I chose Gorgeous just because I really like the beat of it plus it's something I'm sure most people can relate to - liking someone you know you don't stand a chance with.

Learn To Let Go - Kesha

I am absolutely loving Kesha's new music. She's such a strong and remarkable person which definitely shines through in both Praying and Learn To Let Go. This song is all about letting go of the demons in your past and not letting it affect your future.  Everyone should take note of the lyrics in this song especially "live and learn and never forget it" as I'm sure we're all guilty, of dwelling on something that's happened in the past.

I Miss You - Clean Bandit ft Julia Michaels

The last song I have been obsessed with this month is I Miss You. Clean Bandit have teamed up with Julia Michaels to release this absolute banger. When I first heard this I wasn't sure what to make of it but it's quickly become one of my favourite songs. It's all about breaking up with an ex and missing them even though you know you shouldn't.

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Friendship Breakups

November 12, 2017 0 Comments
I'd thought I'd do something different today and share some tips on how to get over a friendship break up This happened to me recently and I don't know why we're not friends anymore but I've decided to try and get over it.

Friend break ups are the worst. In my view they're worst than relationship break ups because at the end of the day at least when a relationship ends, you have your friends there to stick by you. However when you lose a close friend it can feel really isolating.

Losing a friend you're super close to is tough especially when you feel like there's no valid reason for it happening. Sometimes you really do just drift apart whereas other times there is a valid reason for the two of you falling out. 

All this time I've been trying to pin point why me and my friend don't talk anymore but I just can't, and I'm not a physic so unless they tell me I'll never know. I also can't  help thinking about everything we did together throughout our years of friendship like did all those years of memories we made mean nothing to you? the gossips, the late night chats, the being there for each other, was it all meaningless?

A few years ago I would've overthought this situation so much but now as much as it pains me to say it I really couldn't care less. They want to ignore me fine so be it I'm not going to dish out second, third and fourth chances on someone who clearly doesn't think friendship is that important. I'd be lying if I said I don't miss them plus I've never understood how you can go from being super close to someone then acting like they don't exist.

Anyway here are my 5 tips for how to get over a friendship break up ....

Accept it

As hard as it may be the first thing you need to do is accept it. Accept the fact that you might never speak to this person again. Now you might be feeling pain but in a few months time you'll have forgotten all about them and be grateful for the lessons it taught you. 

Distract yourself

Rather than sitting and dwelling on the situation get out there and do stuff. Make some plans with your other friends, take up a new hobby or even just treat yourself to a pamper or shopping day. Keep yourself occupied and your mind busy so that you won't have time to think about them.

Don't stalk them on social media

If you're still following them on social media it can be really tempting to just look at their profiles to see what they're up to and when they last posted. My advice to you is don't, not only can this make you feel really shitty by remembering the times you had together, it is also a waste of your time and energy. If you don't want to unfriend them maybe mute them so you don't see their posts.

Reach out

If you're missing them that much and want them back in your life try reaching out to them. If you're unsure why the friendship ended send them a message asking what's going on (although don't always expect this to work believe me I've tried) It might not mean you guys become close again like you once were but at least it's a start and shows you're the bigger person. If your friendship ended on bad terms maybe don't do this straight away, give them time to cool off and reflect on the situation.

Learn from your mistakes

It's said that people come into our lives for a certain reason and to teach us things. I'd like to think that this is one of those times. They've come into your life, made memories with you then left. Think about what this has taught you and the type of person they are. Learn from it and move on with the knowledge and wisdom you now have to not make the same mistake again. 

Have any of you ever had a friendship break up?

How did you deal with it?